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Mining - Operations

Salary Comparison

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$90,085 /yr
Median Average:

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Mining - Operations Salaries
How much do Mining - Operations earn in Australia? The average salary of Mining - Operations is $90,085 in Australia
$90,085 /yr
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Average $90,085
Range $90K - $90K
Last updated April 26 2024
The average pay range for Mining - Operations is between $90K and $90K. Salaries vary from a low of $50K up to $140K per year. The average number of Mining - Operations roles advertised per month is 30 in Australia between April 2023 and April 2024.
What are the most common skills required to be a Mining - Operations? The most common skills required for a Mining - Operations are:
Engineering Reporting Mining Training Compliance Business Analysis Ventilation Remuneration Mining Engineering Risk Assessments Ning Technical Managing Teams Cision Activiti Risk Assessment Hard Rock Production Operations Iron Coal FICA Visit Export iCal FIFO TEMS RMAN ARIS REST NISA
See all 30 skills

These skills are most commonly found in Mining - Operations job advertisements and position descriptions.

Last updated July 20 2020
Which recruitment agencies have the largest number of Mining - Operations roles in Australia?
See which recruitment agencies advertise the most Mining - Operations roles. See what salaries they paid for Mining - Operations in Australia. See how they compare to the average Mining - Operations salary of $90,370.
Chandler Macleod Group
Townsville (66%), Perth (22%), Brisbane (7%), Adelaide (3%) +1 others



Corestaff Perth
Perth (99%), Adelaide (1%), Brisbane (0%)



Protech Mining & Maintenance
Perth (100%)



Perth (99%), Brisbane (1%)



Programmed Skilled Workforce
Perth (85%), Newcastle (15%), Brisbane (1%)



Last Updated April 29 2022
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Where are Mining - Operations in Australia sourced from?
Mining - Operations are sourced from
these companies
BHP Billiton
Boom Logistics
Redpath Mining
Mining - Operations are sourced in Australia are most likely to be sourced from these schools
La Trobe University
Monash University
Swinburne University of Technology
TAFE NSW Higher Education
Last updated April 30 2024